The Clubs4Europe project offers arena for the voices of the rural people on core topics as citizens’ participation, equality, democracy, inclusion and diversity in all spheres of the daily life, promoting learning opportunities for people from different cultures and generations.
The project is focused on the horizontal programme priorities of common values, civic engagement and participation, and inclusion and diversity in all fields of education. They're complemented by the priority in the adult education sector of creating and promoting learning opportunities among all citizens and generations.

To promote learning opportunities to people from different generations, deepening their knowledge on EU values, institutions, and policies through organising public debates and workshops on EU's achievements and challenges.
To foster the sense of European identity among citizens from rural zones and provide them with the opportunity to interact actively, to participate in the democratic life of the Union, reaching people from 3 remote zones and bridging the current intercultural and social divide.
To involve local communities and citizens in actions to combat stigmatisation of disadvantaged members of the community and to foster tolerance and empathy, which in turn brings about more cohesive, democratic, forward-looking, and constructive Europe.
To overcome the existing inequality caused by the province-city territorial relationship and work in different territorial realities - towns, small cities, municipal centres, regional centres, incl. social networks.
To strengthen the activist type of political culture and encourage rural citizens to actively seek information on EU policies and bring about a practical change of attitudes for active participation in the decision-making process at local, regional, national and European level (participation in national elections and the 2024 European Parliament elections).
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Rural Citizens' Paper edited and delivered to the European institutions by participants in the Clubs4Europe project from Bulgaria, Slovakia and Spain. It shares recommendations and citizens' views on the regional policy of the European Commission and the future of the European Union.
Target groups:
a) adults form rural EU zones and different generations, reached through individual visits, social media and mobile car unit;
b) participants in the local workshops and debates in the partners' provinces and other localities of the involved EU regions;
c) citizens over 18 years old, participants in thematic contests, forums, campaigns, developed by the partnership;
d) representatives of local and regional authorities, institutions and organisations interested in European programmes, projects and participation in European networks;
e) professors and lecturers who participate in round tables and thematic seminars; university professors from the regions;
f) other stakeholders, NGOs, media, adult education providers from the partners' countries and other European regions.

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